About Me and This Blog


Hi! My name is Amrita Goswami. Apart from enjoying the usual staple hobbies of reading, listening to music, sleeping, eating, existing etc. I love science fiction and happy endings in all media (especially real life). I grew up watching Star Wars, reading Harry Potter and listening to the Beatles.

“I wear a Stetson now. Stetsons are cool!”

And like almost every book-lover, I’ve always wanted to write. Since childhood, I’ve been constantly engaged in writing terrible verse and even worse novels with no perceptible beginnings or ends. I now cringe whenever my grinning parents unearth my earlier literary endeavors from their stash, along with those embarrassing baby photos.

And this is the two of us, making masterpieces.

Me and my brother, making masterpieces. I was about six, and he was one and a half.

And this is how we look now, after the ravages of adolescence.

And this is how we look now, after the ravages of adolescence.

From stories about mace-wielding anime characters, to anecdotes about candy witches inspired by Hansel and Gretel, I’ve penned down every errant thought that caught my fancy. This blog is a collection of rambling thoughts and musings that I’ve managed to salvage over the years. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it.

Are you ready to take the plunge? Welcome aboard!

Are you ready to take the plunge? Welcome aboard!

I originally intended this blog to be a ‘creative writing blog’. But then it mutated into a diverse collection of posts, and before I knew it, I started including my artwork (primarily made in Photoshop). I’m still learning how to harness the godly editing prowess of Photoshop!

Breaking the fourth wall!

Breaking the fourth wall!

A last note on the (possibly confusing) categories on my blog:-

Quite a bit of what I write is fiction. ‘Short stories‘ and ‘Vignettes‘ contain fictional pieces (which are all autobiographical or metaphorical in varying degrees nonetheless).
Verse Aspiring to be Poetry‘ is, as the name suggests, fragmented prose that I like to call poetry.
Personal Experiences‘ are anecdotes of actual real-life incidents (non-fiction).
And lastly, ‘Musings in Pixels‘ is the odd one out- a category for my digital art.



You can also follow the Mobius Strip on Facebook. I try to post every week.


See you around! πŸ™‚
(I hope.)

49 responses to “About Me and This Blog

  1. πŸ˜€ How cute is your Blog! I’m so happy to see you draw as well and you do it often! Keep it up you’ll only get better and don’t lose your freshness. Love it!

  2. Lol. all my godawful literary endevors from childhood were on an old XP computer and thankfull the hard drive died like seven years ago and off to the dump. Those fututile attempts at writing are lost forever. My mom will still bring them up every blue moon. She thinks they were “cute” and wishes they were still in existance. I’m not sure if she’s biased because she’s my mom or she was blowing smoke. Hopefully the former.

    • I completely understand your predicament! Lucky you: my father keeps my stuff backed up in a hard drive! Parents find the strangest things ‘cute’, LOL.

      Though I’m sure your literary endeavours can’t have been that bad…and after all, practice makes perfect!

      Thanks for visiting my blog and sharing…Cheers!
      Have a great day πŸ™‚

  3. Omg! Amrita! U r just amazing and modest as well. I didn’t had the slightest idea that you are THIS talented! Hatz off to you man.
    All those emoticons are just soo cute!
    And u r looking drop dead gorgeous.
    lovely work yaar! :* β™‘

    • Stuti, thank you so so much for checking out my blog! Your praise means so much to me! :’)
      Thanks a lot! πŸ™‚ You seriously made my day! πŸ™‚

      Really, thank you. πŸ™‚ ❀ ❀ ❀

    • a real pleasure stumbling again to this space. you are really good writer, squire. the depths and breadths – i imagine – you have crossed and cornered within yourself to translate such personal opinions into poetry and prose are very admirable. keep writing! πŸ™‚

      • Thank you for visiting my cluttered little blog, and for your kind words. πŸ™‚
        And, likewise, I am such a fan of your writing! Even your comments read like poetry!
        Happy holidays! πŸ™‚

  4. It’s been wonderful ‘camping’ on your about page and learing a little more about you the person and naturally you the writer.A pleasure it has been. xx

  5. I just wanted to wish you an early Happy New Year. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement this past year. May you find renewed fulfillments in your blogs this New Year and may your blogging families ever increase. Blessings. Roger

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